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Monday, January 3, 2011

Still sick

I still feel terrible so in fairness to others I called in at work.  I really didn't feel like standing there for 4 hours and infecting everyone that stopped to say hi.  I also turned down a day of subbing at a local elementary school.  I am sure the mothers of all those 5 to 10 year olds don't really want me around their children either.  I hope I feel better tomorrow so I can go in.

Today was not as productive as some I have had but I did manage to get some stuff stored in Serenity. Mostly the Christmas decorations that I sorted.  I also got the one bedroom we are using to store the packed stuff sorted out.  It looks more organized now.  We looked at tile for the kitchen floor today.  I think that is a next payday project.  On my next trip to the Salvation Army I am going to grab the pots and pans that I have in Serenity and take them with me.  I am using old stuff that I had for camping and have the good set in the kitchen. It doesn't make any sense to store the ones in the kitchen and use old stuff. I might as well just transfer the kitchen set to the RV. 

We also started researching houses for sale in our area.  We are trying to get a feel for what houses are going for.  We are planning to get with a real estate agent in about a month.  We have a pretty good idea of what we want for the house but we still want an agent to confirm it.  We will probably get an appraisal done too.  This is one step I really wish was behind me.  I hope we are not sitting here in the fall still waiting for it to sell. 

We have spent a lot of time lately trying to decide on where we will domicile.  There is just so much to read and research.  Both Texas and South Dakota have their advantages.  Who knows..............maybe in the end we will just flip a coin.  Let fate decide. 

We went out for a drive today down by the river.  The geese are already there.  They usually arrive much later.  That early spring is looking better and better.  Maybe it is just wishful thinking but I am so excited to go to the rally..... 97 days and 47  minutes.  Can you tell I am excited?

On that note I am going to sign off.  It is late here and bed is calling.  Good night all and safe travels.

1 comment:

  1. LOL I know the feeling! I have a countdown to the rally and I am watching it tick down! It was so fun on Sunday to plan our route to TN and figure out where a couple good stopping points would be. :)

    Sorry you are still under the weather! Hope that you are feeling better today!!
