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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

2 more weeks.

Two more weeks to go and we roll out the driveway.  The timing on this is not the best because we roll just before the memorial weekend. Not having any way to predict that we would be on the road for the holiday weekend we did not make any sort of reservations, and we all know how much the CG prices go up when a holiday weekend rolls around.  Our plan was to head north to Canada stopping for a few days in New London, Salam and a few other places on our way north.  We don't want to spend a weekend camping in a Walmart parking lot so we now think we will just head north moving until we cross the border.  Once in New Brunswick we can moochdock in my sisters yard and my parents.  I don't really know how long we will stay but that is the beauty of this lifestyle.  We will stay until we want to move. (or my parents decide that we are leaving. heheh right Mom?)

The last item on the inspectors list was taken care of this morning and by tomorrow we should have everything we want to keep moved out of the house and we just wait for closing.

Be seeing you soon somewhere down the road.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the Good life! We have been on the road for some time now, and wouldn't trade it for anything! Full Time Road Warriors
