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Monday, March 28, 2011

Are we full timers??

We are living in Serenity finally!!!!  Are we full timing??  I prefer to say yes even though the wheels wont be rolling for a bit yet.  The house is pretty much done.  The real estate agent was in today with a contract which we signed and the photographer is coming tomorrow.  The lock box is on the door.  We have a few things we want to finish up and will complete them this week.  It is going official and the sign will go in the yard on Monday next week.  Our first open house is on Sunday 10 April.  Wow the past few weeks has been hectic.  I am exhaused!!

Now for the nail biting time.  Waiting for our house's next owners.  Then we hit the road.  YAY!!! I am so excited but trying to be patient.  I hope it sells quickly.

10 days till we head to Tennessee.  It will be our first real trip in Serenity.  We took her out on a shake down weekend last fall when we first got her but this will be our first time doing any real travel time and I can't wait.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Serenity ...here we come

It has been a while since posting but to my credit we have been oh so busy.  The house is so near ready.  Why didn't we do this years ago?  We could have enjoyed this nice house ourselves.

The kitchen floor is finally in, it looks great.  The yard clean up has started and the cupboards and closets are getting near empty. The deck has been painted. The hot tub is filled, ( I am liking that part) and we are just waiting for next week to get the rugs shampooed.  Many times in the past I thought I could see the light at the end of the tunnel but when I got there I found it to just be another light showing a corner.  But now I can really say the light is there.  We have half moved into the 5er.  We will finish the move this weekend.  We have been sleeping out there anyway.  (We are camping in the yard) :).

Today we took over our limit of bags to the curb for garbage.  Lately we have been using our neighbours seeing as they are still in Florida and not using their garbage pickup. 

We took the love seat out of Serenity to make room for a small computer desk and a place to put the kennel for the dogs. Troy and Shayla get a bit excited when someone walks by and I don't want them jumping up on the window.  (Not sure the walls could take 160 lbs from both dogs jumping) So when we go out the big dogs go into a kennel.  Lucky for us they don't mind it at all. 

I have given my notice at one of my jobs.  I will no longer be working at the store but I am still subbing in the schools.  I like the subbing because I can set my own schedule.  This weekend we call the real estate lady and she will bring the photographer in to take the pictures of the house for the listing.  Next week on 1 April we put in up for sale.  After that......who knows?  Send me all the good house selling vibes you can.  I think we are setting the house at a good price.  We chose a price that is a  bit lower than what the agent said we should get.  We are hoping for a sale within 90 days.  That seems to be the norm around here. 

The first open house will happen when we are at the RV Dreams rally.  It will be better when we are not there so that Serenity is not parked in the drive. I can't believe the rally is only just over 2 weeks away.

Later in the month my daughter is flying in from New Brunswick Canada for a weeks visit.  I haven't seen her since Christmas so I am excited to see her again. 

It is going to be a busy month or so. 

I am do excited to move into the trailer.  It seems it has been a long time coming.  Getting out on the road is getting closer and closer.  I can almost taste it.

Can't wait to meet all of you in a campground around a fire somewhere.  Until then drive carefully and watch out for the other guy.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

storage shed and garbage

Yesterday was a productive day.  We tackled the storage shed out back.  We tossed so much stuff, and I am wondering why we were keeping the stuff anyway?  We had a bunch of stuff that we took out to the curb and within an hour it was gone.  I hope the new owners of our "junk" use it in good health.

Today is garbage day.  We have a limit on the number of bags we can put out to be picked up and with the cleanup of the storage shed and thngs in the house we have exceeded our limit.  This is not the first time this has happened and usually we just keep the extra bags and wait for next week.  This week we decided not to start next weeks load with a deficite so with two neighbours still in Florida for the winter we put bags out in their yard.  I only wish I had thought of that before.  I am not sure what the neighbours thought if they saw us dragging bags of garbage across the street and setting them in someone elses front yard. 

My sewing room is sorted and packed.  I only have to stage it now.  It is going to be set up as a hobby room.  Today we are going to start emptying the garage.  Of couse the ongoing packing and sorting in Serenity will continue.  We will be moving in her about 2 weeks from now.  Does that make us full timers then?  Even though we will still be living in our driveway?  I can't wait. 

Sunday, March 6, 2011

wow time flies

I can't believe it has been two weeks since I posted.  Life has been moving along here.  All of our snow is gone.  YAY!!!! and the weather is getting warmer.  I can't believe that is just a month we leave for the rally in Tenn.  I am so looking forward to meeting a lot of dreamers there. 

I have started moving into Serenity.  I have moved all the clothing we don't use daily and items that I want to take with me.  My beading stuff and needlework stuff is packed and will be going  out this week.  Today I partially cleaned out the kitchen cupboards.  Some of the food is out there now.  We have taken stuff we don't want to get rid of to the storage unit.  Who knows.....we might just decide to get rid of it all one day.  Ira is not sure how much he will like the full timing thing so we are keeping some stuff in case we do come off the road one day.  

A couple of days ago we took a load to the unit and forgot to raise the tailgate on the back to the truck.  You can just imagine what happened at the first green light we accelerated through.  Yup.........some stuff did get destroyed but fortunately nothing too important.  Some things that were valuable were picked up by an honest person who had called the police to leave it with them.  (They didn't know how to find out who the owners were) They were still there when we got back to pick up our stuff and returned our belongings to us.  There are good people out there. In the future we are going to make a point of walking around the truck before backing up.  (Always a good practice anyway)

I have my sewing room 90% sorted and packed for storage or for Serenity.  Once the bins are moved out to their respective new homes the room will only take a few minutes to stage.  The rooms upstairs are mostly staged (still have to get the kitchen floor done.) 

Oh and one more thing fell into place this week. My permanent resident card finally came in the mail.  That is just one more thing that we don't have to worry about now.  That is a big weight off my mind. 

I hope to see all off your down the road somewhere soon.